Crystals and Gemstones - What is the Difference?

When we think of crystals and gemstones, images of sparkling jewellery, mystical healing tools, and vibrant mineral collections often come to mind. While these terms are frequently used interchangeably, they actually refer to distinct types of materials with unique properties and uses.

Crystals: The Building Blocks of Nature

Crystals are solid materials whose atoms are arranged in highly ordered, repeating patterns extending in all three spatial dimensions. This precise internal structure is what gives crystals their unique shapes and properties. Crystals can form naturally through geological processes or can be synthetically created in laboratories.

Key Characteristics of Crystals:

  • Structure: Crystals are defined by their regular atomic structure. Common examples include quartz, amethyst, and pyrite.
  • Formation: They can form from cooling magma, evaporation of mineral-rich water, or through precipitation from chemical solutions.
  • Uses: Beyond their beauty, crystals are used in various industries. For instance, quartz is vital in electronics for its piezoelectric properties.
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Did You Know? The largest natural crystal ever discovered is a beryl crystal found in Malakialina, Madagascar, measuring a staggering 18 meters (59 feet) long and 3.5 meters (11 feet) in diameter, and weighing 380,000 kg (840,000 lb). However, with only anecdotal evidence, some industry professionals doubt its existence.

Gemstones: The Jewels of the Earth

Gemstones are precious or semi-precious minerals that are cut, polished, and used in jewellery and ornamentation. To be considered a gemstone, the material must possess beauty, rarity, and durability.

Key Characteristics of Gemstones:

  • Beauty: Gemstones are chosen for their visual appeal, which includes colour, clarity, cut, and lustre. Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds are some well-known gemstones.
  • Rarity: The value of a gemstone often correlates with its scarcity. This is why diamonds are more expensive than more common minerals like quartz.
  • Durability: Gemstones must be hard enough to withstand wear and tear. The Mohs scale of mineral hardness is often used to measure this attribute.
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Did You Know? The Hope Diamond, one of the most famous gemstones in the world, is renowned not only for its deep blue colour but also for its storied history and supposed curse that brings misfortune to its owners. Crystal book, Gems in the Smithsonian Institution by Paul E. Desautels, is a rich resource on gems and highlights the famous Hope Diamond. (Download this book for free.)


While all gemstones are crystals, not all crystals qualify as gemstones.


Understanding the distinction between crystals and gemstones enriches our appreciation of these natural wonders. Crystals are the fundamental building blocks with various applications, from technological to metaphysical, while gemstones are the polished jewels that captivate our senses with their beauty and rarity.

Whether you're a collector, a jewellery enthusiast, or someone exploring the metaphysical properties of these materials, knowing their differences enhances your journey into the captivating world of crystals and gemstones.

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